We built a new church, because we wanted a new home and building that better serves you and the community we love.
The new building has:
A larger accessible and more comfortable service and worship area
Larger and more accessible fellowship area
Safer parking
Handicap accessibility
Community accessibility and visibility
Larger classrooms
Here you’ll find people who love and care about you and want to help you in any way that you might need.
Meet Our Pastor
“I have been blessed to serve as the pastor at Our Savior's for 19 years! I have also been blessed to have been married to Laura for 22 years. We have four beautiful and very active children - Emily, Luke, Grace, and Elizabeth. We love spending time together and outside in God's beautiful creation. We also love our awesome are communities and look for ways to serve and to serve alongside them.” - Pastor Jon Vollrath
Our Savior’s is a member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod